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Ending of Stories..

Have you noticed that this month has been all about shifting the way you see other people and how they see you? There is a lot of shedding of old stories . Maybe a friendship or any type of relationship has run its course. Its not always bad. We all create contracts with those that trigger us the most. Those are the ones we remember. What's important to understand is that all contracts end and then that story line no longer matters.

This goes with jobs and anything in your life. As we all grow you start to understand that certain things no longer work or even feel right anymore. Its important to understand you out grow certain situations just like you out grow your clothes as a child. It doesn't mean that you are better than the other person but that story has ended and you are creating a new story. Maybe a relationship isn't ending but how you communicate or its transitioning into something better.

Its not just people but companies. Take a look around and what is working and what isn't working anymore. Old ways of doing things just isn't what is working for society . Then there is getting back to basic to what does work and throwing out what is not true to ourselves.

When you allow yourself to be sensitive enough and really tap in to that gut feeling you will know when its time to move on. It really sucks when I see people hanging on with their lives onto whatever idea they have about a situation that no longer holds the same value it once did. You know you are holding on when you keep getting frustrated by whatever it is and its something that can't be fixed. Maybe its not suppose to be fixed. We are constantly making things harder for ourselves because we think things need to be a certain way and we end up holding ourselves back so we can create a new story.

People are so damn dramatic and it makes it worse when things change. Get used to change and learn to be flexible and it won't be a big deal. People are not going to act like you want them to act. If you are upset then you need to ask yourself, is this a you issue? Or is this a them issue? You can't be in control how others react but you can react to how you respond.

Do you notice the same issues popping up over and over? Maybe a situation comes up again years later? How will you respond? I hope its not whatever you did last time. When you continue to see the same patterns over and over then you keep doing the same thing, you are choosing wrong, my friend. You just keep continuing that contract when it needed to end so you can move on to something better. Always take your time and listen to yourself , what have you learned from this relationship or situation?

I don't mean tell me all the negative parts about it. I want to know what did you learn about yourself during that process. You grew and learned new things about whatever that contract was there to teach you. Don't look back at your contracts with people and think badly of them or it.

I have certainly have had terrible ass jobs and horrible relationships with people. I don't think wow this place or person really screwed me. I instead think, ' you know what, I was a different person then. I gained the knowledge of this.. or learning this. or and understanding of this...' You might find that you have contracts with people that last a lifetime or others that are there just to show you one thing. Don't get caught up being overly attached to any one contract because you will just stay in that contract and its going to be miserable. You ever leave a job and know you stepped away at the right time vs when you hold on to a job that makes you so miserable that you get sick? Big difference.


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