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Does your location create harmony or keep you out of balance? #3

Updated: Jun 9, 2021

Where do you spend most of your time? Since Covid more people are at home than ever before. Living in harmony starts with your environment. Lets start off with the actual physical location of your home and how that connects with your dosha.

This picture represents Vata dosha. Desert areas are windy, cool ( evening), and dry. Vata areas are going to be Las Vegas and the south west. Remember like attracts like, so if you have alot of Vata then these areas are not ideal. This would be ideal for a Kapha person.

If we take a look at tropical locations they are hot and humid, which is Pitta. Tropical locations tend to not change too much in temperature. Do keep in mind that it depends on the location. Even a small island like Oahu, there is a change in climate. The westside of oahu is hot and dry and the east side is wet and humid. So it can be a mixed bag.

This pictures makes me cold. A Kapha area would be cold and wet. Just like I said before about Hawaii. If you go to the big island its very damp there and nothing dries out. It also isn't as sunny because of the volcano. Yes its warm, but it also has alot of Kapha. Make sure you are taking that in for consideration.

Maybe you are in the Midwest or an area that has seasons. You are going to have to adjust according to the seasons. Pitta- Summer / Vata- Fall / Kapha - Early Spring/ Winter

I don't think I fully grasped this concept till I moved and it took me for a loop.

I am Tridosha which means I have all three doshas equally. What we know is that Vata is really the one that stirs everything all up. Living in Hawaii I lived right in the middle of the island. It wasn't extreme and it worked perfectly for me. The main reason is that I don't do well with cold. Vata and Kapha both have cold elements to them. I do better in hot and humid areas that counter balance both of those. When we arrived to Virginia it was winter. Winter here is generally in the 30's. The change in environment that is so drastic was difficult because my Vata was spinning out of control. Its different for everyone on what shows up with a Vata imbalance. My skin was so very dry. I slathered on sesame oil every night. I was freezing and had a hard time regulating my temp all day. I had a hard time keeping grounded because I did not take time off like I usually do before I start work. It took me months to get things under control.

Maybe you can't control where you live? Its not about just getting up and moving. If you have a choice then that could be an option. In this particular area of Virginia is very erratic. It doesn't get cold cold but it goes from extremes . It was 85 -90 last week for a few days and now its back down to 60's. Anything like that is erratic and Vatagenic. I naturally can't wait till its full on summer so it can be hot and humid. Its really about managing and noticing the changes with in yourself when the seasons start changing.

You notice how more people have sinus issues in the winter time? Winter is ruled by Kapha and Kapha rules the sinuses. Everything in connected.

You see very three different places to live and they each represent a dosha.

  1. Vata- High rise apart is vast and its going to be windy up there

  2. Pitta- No extreme here but has lots of windows and it looks hot

  3. Kapha- Dark and damp

I really don't think anyone should be living in the Kapha one.. So depressing lol. I have lived in apartments that were underground , not scary like this though.

So who should live where?

I really don't concern myself with Pitta too much because they aren't on the extreme factor here. You just don't want Pitta to overheat .

Vata people need to be on the ground and Kapha people need to be up in the air.

Lastly lets talk about the city you live in and what type of energy does it give off? Every area of the country has a different vibe to it. If you live in a big city its going to have different energy than a small country town. Country towns are slower more Kapha and big cities have Pitta Vata energy to them. I like to think of New York city a Pitta Vata energy because its so serious which Pitta can tend to be and everything moves so fast because of Vata. I have lived in both big cities and small towns. You have to figure for yourself what kind of quality of life you want. What is important to you? Before I lived in Hawaii I was a person that loved big city life. All the hustle and bustle. Having everything at your finger tips. Then when we got to Hawaii and ended up in the middle of nowhere. It was a struggle because I was so used to everything right there and the slow pace of life was hard at first. I then realized what was important to me and what I could and could not live without. I even thought when we had to move back to Virginia how nice it would be to have things again. I then quickly figured out that those things that were once important to me where no longer important.

I encourage you to ask yourself what is it you want? Are you living in an area that is going to help you or hinder whatever your goals are? If you are in an area that is the same as your dosha? Maybe you are Vata living in a high-rise in phoenix. LOL

If you aren't able to make changes to where you live then its important to make changes inside your place. There are ways to counter balance everything.

Ill discuss in another article about how help you can balance the inside of your dwelling.

You can only control so much. Don't focus on what you can't control but what can you control.

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